Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Strength Coach 101 Bonus Goes to....

Ari sent over a lot of pictures of him training with the Bull Strength Method, so I offered him the ticket (I'll post one here once I shrink them down)!

However, I want to appreciate everyone else that submitted a testimonial a few days ago. So I hope to have something to give away to you as well!

I will shoot some exclusive video of the presentations, as well as some interviews with myself and the other presenters and give it to EVERYONE that posts a testimonial on their experiences with Bull Strength!

So what if you didn't post one yet?

You still can! Post in the comment section of this post with your comments and thoughts on training with Bull Strength.

I will be back on Monday with the video, so please post quickly!

- Joe Hashey, CSCS -


  1. I believe bull strength is the best program out there for getting strong in a hurry. I have followed it for several months now and it has helped me make extraordinary gains.

  2. Thanks Adam, Ill get the bonus video up this week from the seminar!
