Saturday, September 19, 2009

Giving Away Free Training Seminar Ticket!

Thanks to everyone that purchased Bull Strength and has joined the newsletter I set up to give away some bonuses and gather more feedback on what you guys want!

The first giveaway I have is for a seminar coming up very quickly! Sorry for the late notice, so please take action quickly!

I am speaking at Strength Coach 101 along with Elliott Hulse and a few others. The organizer gave me a free ticket ($479 value!) to give out to a follower of Synergy Athletics.

Who better than the Bull Strength users!

Here is all you have to do to qualify for the free seminar ticket:

  • Post a testimonial for Bull Strength in the comment section of this post.

  • Please be specific with how it has helped your training change and aided you in reaching strength goals!

That's it! Hopefully it will only take a few minutes for you to capitalize on this opportunity.

IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND THE SEMINAR IN PERSON - I will take some exclusive video and send it ONLY to the person that is selected!

On Wednesday I will select a testimonial off the list and email them the free ticket information for this huge strength training weekend!

- Joe Hashey, CSCS -

PS. Even if this bonus doesn't fit your schedule, I will have more shortly that everyone can enjoy! Thanks for your time as always!

Double PS. Unlike Synergy Athletics - let's try to keep this website just to us, please don't spread this link around. I want to keep this a small community of people that train with Bull Strength!


  1. Hi Joe,

    I just wanted to thank you for the bull strength manual. I checked it out and was v ery interested, so I reached out to an old colleague Matt Phelps who enthusiastically recommended purchasing it; that was all I needed to hear. It truly has lived up to its name. I thoroughly enjoyed learning how you took the conjugated periodization model but added an entirely different dimension of training and "real world" exercises that are entirely unique, challenging, creative and most importantly, FUN. I have a small private training facility and I am constantly looking to find new ways to incorporate all the unorthodox training tools I have and how I can place them methodically into my training programs both for myself and my clients. I like to test out all the new ideas on myself prior to implementing them on my clients. I can honestly say I have never had so much fun both planning my workouts and then trying them for myself. Before I felt like I was training in a box; I could learn and use efficient training methods but was afraid to deviate from the typical barbell and dumbbell movements.....after reading your bullstrength manual I have been able to incorporate my elite stone trainer, kettlebells, sandbags, kegs, inch trainer, log bar, etc. fundamentally into my programs without missing a beat. I am having a blast every day in the gym and its given me much more confidence from a business perpective now that you have helped me to think outside the box. You are an incredible teacher and make things very easy to understand, and are quickly topping the list of my favorite strength and conditioning coaches. I cant wait to see what you come out with next! Thanks again Joe, Bull Strength is nothing short of spectacular.

    Ari Selig - NSCA-CPT, CSCS
    Owner, Premier Fitness Solutions

  2. What up Joe! One of the best things about Bull Strength is the unique exercises. My athletes get bored if the exercises are not constantly changed and they are not being challenged in new ways. Bull Strength provides a lot of NOVEL options that keep the athletes interested.

    Also, some of the unique pulling exercises helped me get through a sticking point with my pull ups.

    Still waiting on Bull Conditioning.


  3. Thanks for the quick responses, great feedback! Heck, if I get a video together maybe Ill share it with EVERYONE that responds.

    Please remember to post a name on the bottom so I know who to contact on Wednesday! Thanks

    PS. JR, its been done, but I want to finish a max speed template to go with. Thanks for staing on top of me!

    - Joe

  4. Ari, I forgot to mention, its awesome that you have an inch trainer!


  5. Hi Joe,

    Bull Strength has been a great investmnet for both my own training and my strength & conditioning business.

    The programming, based on conjugate periodization, is effective. It makes alot of sense to develop athletic qualities such as strength, power, and conditioning, in tandem.

    The exercise selection is unusual, opens up a lot of opportunities for fun, and much of it is unique. I have read through many training books and much of the material is totally new to me. The material can be applied to workouts performed pretty much anywhere, whether that be the commercial gym, underground gym, parking lot or neighbourhood park.

    Fantastic. And Joe has set about supporting his customers and creating a little community of like-minded athletes and trainers.

    Awesome stuff Joe.

    Al Heinemann, Vancouver Canada

  6. Joe,
    Bull strength was a great investment. It was one of the most innovative books on the market. I have learned a lot from your site and from Bull Strength. It has allowed me to add more diversity to my training program and the training of my athletes. Keep putting out great info and I will continue to read and check the website day in and day out. You are a great strength coach thanks for all of the information.

    Tony Montgomery

  7. HI i started the bullstrength about 5 months ago and I really enjoy it. I have lost about 40 lbs and have gotten plenty stronger. I just wanted to thank you for giving me the tool to change.

  8. Hey Joe,

    That is precisely why I find your manual so valuable. I have a beautiful custom inch trainer loaded up with lead shot and certainly a prize piece in my eyes. The issue was that aside from the typical vintage progressions and your "strongman training" I was a little unsure of exactly how to incorporate the inch trainer effectively into my strength programs.

    Fast forward to me utilizing bull-strength and I feel like I have infinite inch trainer moves I can utilize within the periodization model; snatches, swing/press, hot-potato (hand to hand) deadlifts, 1-arm floor presses, cleans, pushpress, reactive rows, etc.

    The manual not only opened the doors to include these movements I was unsure of how use at first; but also validated how and why they are used within the given program. I should be thanking you again for showing me creative ways to use simple equipment like my inch trainer for NUMEROUS moves. Ill send some pics over to show you what you have inspired!

  9. I would love to see those pictures!

    Im jealous of the loadable inch DB, I'm having one made up.

    I have used Jedd Johnson's replica inch, but that this is a beast with a slippery handle! Need to progress up to it.

    Looking fwd to the pictures - is the email.


  10. Adam, that is great! Keep up the good work.

  11. Winner posted up, thanks everyone for their submission, I will be hooking you guys up with a seminar video.
